A lot of effort has been put into creating this item and I hope you will enjoy working with this theme as much as I have enjoyed creating it.
In this document you will find detailed information on how to use this theme.
If you don't find the answers to your questions in this help file, please send me a message via the item support tab. This theme includes 6 months support from purchase date, with options to extend.
I will do my best to assist with questions directly related to the theme set up however before you contact me, please consider finding an answer to your question in:
If you like "SPOON" and want to support my work please rate it on Themeforest!
Thank you!
Please make sure that you are using the latest version of Wordpress before you install "SPOON".
The styling of menu items requires WordPress version 4.4 or higher.
Information on how to install Wordpress you can find here .
There are 2 ways to upload the theme:
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Once you install Spoon, you will get a notification message in your WordPress admin telling you of the required and recommended plugins with an option to install them.
Alternatively you can go to Appearance > Install Plugins to see a list of the required plugins and to install them.
Once the plugins are installed, you need to activate them.
Please note that the Revolution Slider plugin needs to be installed manually - please find the instructions below.
The following plugins are optional and you only need to install them if you want to use their features:
As the Revolution Slider plugin files are quite big in size, they are not included directly in the theme files and therefore the plugin can't be installed from directly within the WordPress admin.
In order to install Slider Revolution,
(Alternatively you can install the plugin via FTP by uploading the "revslider" folder via FTP into the wp-conten/plugins folder of your WordPress installation and then activating the plugin in Plugins > Installed Plugins).
HERE you can find more information, an online documentation and usage examples for Slider Revolution.
If you want a quick start you can import the content from the SPOON demo site (images are replaced with dummy images). It is very important that you install all recommended plugins before you install the dummy content. You can do that in Appearance > Install Plugins. The import of menu categories settings requires at least WP version 4.6.
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If you wish to hide the Top Bar, simply remove all the Top Bar Info and uncheck the "Display social Icons in Top Bar" checkbox.
More detailed instructions on how to work with the WordPress menu can be found in the WordPress Codex
On the Spoon demo site, the icon boxes, welcome boxes and contact boxes have been created via the content boxes post type.
for line breaks.In order to create a Menu Section with Tabs, you will have to create a page for the menu section plus one page for each menu tab.
Create the Tabs:The "Chef's Special" section on the Demo website was built with simply the default section layout. That way it can be changed easily if the special menu changes daily (like a daily lunch special).
If you go to Appearance > Theme Options > Layout, you have the option to set the number of gallery posts for the gallery section as well as the number galleries per row and images per row.
INFO: If your gallery posts don't display properly and you see a 404 error page instead, simply go to Settings > Permalinks and click Save Changes.
INFO: If your event posts don't display properly and you see a 404 error page instead, simply go to Settings > Permalinks and click Save Changes.
INFO: If your team posts don't display properly and you see a 404 error page instead, simply go to Settings > Permalinks and click Save Changes.
Information on how to set up an online shop can be found under Multi Page > SHOP page.
If you wish you can create a section on the frontpage that displays a few selected products.
[recent_products per_page="4" columns="4"]If you see a grey section background color, you've entered the code into the wrong (the visual) editor. Delete the code and re-enter it in the text editor.
The Contact section on the Demo website was built with with Content Boxes. Detailed instructions on how to create a Content Boxes section can be found in the "CONTENT BOXES section" tab above.
The Contact section on the Spoon Demo website consists of the following 3 content boxes:
You can find us at<br> 317 PACIFC C HWY,<br> HUNTINGTON BEACH,<br> CA 92648<br> <br> [button window="new" color="#eeeeee" style="outline" link="https://goo.gl/maps/GCQKSVy8eo92"]<i class="fa fa-map-marker"></i> View on Google maps[/button]<br> or call us at <i class="fa fa-phone"></i><span class="hide-for-small tel-text">123.456-7 </span><br> <br> You can make a reservation online by clicking <a href="http://www.opentable.com/dukes" target="_blank">here</a><br> <br> See you! <i class="fa fa-heart"></i>
[text* placeholder "Name*"] [email* placeholder "EMAIL*"] [textarea placeholder "WRITE..."] [submit "Send"]You can find more info on how to work with Contact Form 7 at: Contact Form 7 Docs.
The theme comes with the following custom page templates:
How to use a template:
In order to create a Menu Section with Tabs, you will have to create a page for the menu page itself plus one page for each menu tab.
Create the Tabs:<br>
for line breaks.INFO: If your events posts don't display properly and you see a 404 error page instead, simply go to Settings > Permalinks and click Save Changes.
If you go to Appearance > Theme Options > Layout, you have the option to set the number of galleries per row and images per row.
INFO: If your gallery posts don't display properly and you see a 404 error page instead, simply go to Settings > Permalinks and click Save Changes.
INFO: If your team posts don't display properly and you see a 404 error page instead, simply go to Settings > Permalinks and click Save Changes.
The Contact page on the Demo website was built with with Content Boxes. Detailed instructions on how to create a Content Boxes page can be found in the "CONTENT BOXES page" tab above.
The Contact section on the Spoon Demo website consists of the following 3 content boxes:
You can find us at<br> 317 PACIFC C HWY,<br> HUNTINGTON BEACH,<br> CA 92648<br> <br> [button window="new" color="#eeeeee" style="outline" link="https://goo.gl/maps/GCQKSVy8eo92"]<i class="fa fa-map-marker"></i> View on Google maps[/button]<br> or call us at <i class="fa fa-phone"></i><span class="hide-for-small tel-text">123.456-7 </span><br> <br> You can make a reservation online by clicking <a href="http://www.opentable.com/dukes" target="_blank">here</a><br> <br> See you! <i class="fa fa-heart"></i>
[text* placeholder "Name*"] [email* placeholder "EMAIL*"] [textarea placeholder "WRITE..."] [submit "Send"]You can find more info on how to work with Contact Form 7 at: Contact Form 7 Docs.
Once the theme is installed, the Theme Options will appear under Appearance > Theme Options.
The Theme Options Panel is divided into the following sections:
GENERAL - Add some custom CSS, activate lazy load for your images, add a 404 error message, remove all comments from the entire website.
HEADER - Enter the top bar info and upload your logo.
LAYOUT - Set up the Blog Layout, Gallery Layout, Team Layout and optionally load the WooCommerce stylesheets outside of the WooCommerce pages.
TYPOGRAPHIE - Select the font size for the top bar, the navigation, section titles, single blog post titles, select a Font for Headigs, remove links underline.
COLOR - Set the theme color, hover color, header color, navigation color and footer color.
SOCIAL - Enter the URL's of your social network accounts and display social icons in the footer and in the top bar.
FOOTER - Enter the copyright text.
SPOON includes 1 sidebar. It displays on single blog pages, pages using the default template and the regular blog page only.
Simply go to Appearance > Widgets to drag and drop any widgets into the "sidebar main".Using shortcodes is very easy. To use one, create a new post (or edit an existing one), and in the the editor type a shortcode in brackets. You can find a demonstration and the code for all included shortcodes on the Shortcodes page of the theme demo.
Simply upload your image via the Add Media button and wrap it with the Round Image shortcode. Uploaded image needs to be square (e.g. 300 x 300px)
[round_image] Image Goes Here [/round_image]
[redsun_tab title="Title 1"] Content 1 [/redsun_tab] [redsun_tab title="Title 2"] Content 2 [/redsun_tab]
[toggle title="Click to open!"] Hidden content [/toggle]
[dropcap] First Letter [/dropcap]
Highlight 1 uses black text, hightlight 2 white text. If you don't add a color value for the background color, the secondary theme color as set in the Theme Options Panel will be used.
[highlight1 color="#a3d7df"] highlighted text [/highlight1]
[highlight2 color="#a3d7df"] highlighted text [/highlight2]
Button which uses the secondary theme color as set in the Theme Options Panel:
[button link="http://www.fullURL.com"]Click me![/button]
Button with custom color and which opens in a new tab:
[button window="new" color="#a3d7df"" link="http://www.fullURL.com"]Click me![/button]
Button with custom color, with outline style and which opens in a new tab:
[button window="new" color="#a3d7df" style="outline" link="http://www.fullURL.com"]Click me![/button]
Button with custom color, with outline style and a Fontawesome icon (more info about Fontawesome can be found on the very bottom of this page):
[button color="#303033" style="outline" link="http://www.fullURL.com"] <i class="fa fa-map-marker"></i> Click me [/button]
Button with custom color and with a Fontawesome icon in a custom color (more info about Fontawesome can be found on the very bottom of this page):
[button color="#303033" link="http://www.fullURL.com"] Click me <i style="color:#c39f76" class="fa fa-long-arrow-right"></i> [/button]
[pullquote_left] Quote text [/pullquote_left]
[pullquote_right] Quote text [/pullquote_right]
SPOON includes the "Fontawesome" as well as the "Pe 7 icon 7 stroke" icon font.
This is how you add an icon to your posts and pages:
<i class="fa fa-heart"></i>
<i class="fa fa-heart fa-5x" style="color: #aaa;"></i>
<i class="pe-7s-anchor"></i>
<i class="pe-7s-anchor pe-5x" style="color: #aaa;"></i>
In update version 3.0 the Meta Boxes were moved to a plugin. Please install the Spoon Meta Boxes plugin in Appearance > Install Plugins to ensure full functionality of the theme.
The following CSS files are included in the theme:
Style.css (located in: main directory)
Contains: Foundation for the site design. It controls the design structure of the theme. Be careful modifying this file so that you don't break the layout.
If you would like to edit a specific section of the site, simply find the appropriate label in the CSS file, and then scroll down until you find the appropriate style that needs to be edited.
The file is separated into the following sections:
admin-style-css.php (located in: /css)
Contains: Styling of WordPress admin (Meta Boxes etc.)
custom-editor-style.css (located in: /css)
Contains: Styles for the TinyMCE visual editor
dynamic-css.php (located in: /css)
Contains: Styles as set in Theme Options Panel
layout-responsive.css (located in: /css)
Contains: responsive layout styles.
The file is separated into the following sections:
1. Tablets and Mobile
2. Tablet Portrait
3. Mobile (Landscape)
4. Mobile (Portrait)
prettyphoto.css (located in: /css)
Contains: Styles for the prettyPhoto lightbox
retina.php (located in: /css)
Contains: styles for retina screens
font-awesome.min.css (located in: /fonts/fontawesome/css)
Contains: Styles for the Fontawesome icon font
pe-icon-7-stroke.css and helper.css (located in: /fonts/pe-icon-7-stroke/css)
Contains: Styles for the PE Icon 7 Stroke icon font
optionsframework.css (located in: /includes/theme-options/css)
Contains: Design structure for the theme options panel. There is probably no need for you to modify this file.
Furthermore the folder includes/meta-boxes contains various css files which contain the design structure for the metaboxes in the WordPress admin. There is probably no need for you to modify these files.
SPOON loads the following Javascript files:
jquery.easing.js (located in: /js)
Advanced easing options
jquery.fittext.js (located in: /js)
Flexible font size (for big headings) for responsive layouts
jquery.fitvids.js (located in: /js)
Used for fluid width video embeds
jquery.imagesloaded.js (located in: /js)
Checks if images have been loaded yet
jquery.isotope.js (located in: /js)
floating menu, content boxes and blog layout
jquery.lazyload.min.js (located in: /js)
Delays loading of images in long web pages. Images outside of viewport are not loaded until user scrolls to them
jquery.neatshow.js (located in: /js)
Fade in images beautifully.
jquery.parallax.js and jquery.stellar.js (located in: /js)
Background images with parallax effect
jquery.prettyphoto.js (located in: /js)
Used to display images and multi-media in a "lightbox" that floats overtop of the current web page
jquery.selectbox.js (located in: /js)
Dropdown menu style
jquery.superfish.js (located in: /js)
Jquery improved dropdown menu
jquery.waypoints.js (located in: /js)
Execute a function whenever you scroll to an element (used for menu highlight on One Page)
jquery.waypoints-sticky.js (located in: /js)
Sticky navigation header.
scripts.js (located in: /js)
custom jQuery
html5shiv-printshiv.js and html5shiv.js (located in: /js)
HTML5 for old Internet Expolorer
Furthermore the folder includes/meta-boxes and includes/theme-options contain various js files for the Theme Options Panel and metaboxes in the WordPress admin. There is probably no need for you to modify these files.
I've used the following scripts in this theme:
Spoon can be translated into any language without having to edit the template files.
You can always open your .po file again (in Poedit) and add translations.
There is a very easy fix for this issue: Simply go to Settings > Permalinks and click Save Changes.
Make sure you are not uploading the whole zip file that you've downloaded from Themeforest (including dummy content, license, psd files, readme ...) but only the spoon.zip file.